After several years of reviewing a large number of slimming supplements, we are happy to recommend the four best diet pills on the market today. Our recommendation criteria are very strict and we judge all weight-loss supplements for quality of ingredients, safety, fast results and reliability of manufacturer. Additionally, we always take into consideration scientific studies, clinical tests and dieters’ success stories. Another factor for recommendation is value for money and a full refund guarantee by the manufacturers of the product. All our recommended best diet pills fulfil the above criteria and we proudly present them.
Ranking of pills to lose weight.
Our best diet pills:
Proactol XS ™

Proactol Plus was launched in 2011 and was created to replace the original Proactol. It has a double slimming action as it is a very effective fat binder and appetite suppressant. Its ingredients are derived from plant sources and it can prevent approximately 27.4% of the dietary fats ingested from being absorbed and stored in the body. Proactol Plus is medically accredited and carries the CE Mark of Approval. More about Proactol XS.
Meratol ™

Meratol was launched at the end of 2010 and took the weight-loss market by storm. Up to now it has become one of the most popular diet pills as most users were able to lose about 25lbs in 6 weeks without feeling hungry. Meratol is both a carbohydrate blocker and a metabolism booster and it can block up to 82% of the daily carbohydrate intake while it helps the body burn its fat deposits fast. There are no known side effects and all the ingredients contained in Meratol are of top quality and 100% natural. More about Meratol.
Capsiplex ™

This brand new diet pill has been released to replace the original Capsiplex which has become known as the “celebrity diet pill” and it is a fat burner whose main ingredient is extracted from red hot chilli peppers. The new formula of Capsiplex Plus contains 5-HTP – an amino acid that increases the production of serotonin resulting in appetite control, better sleep and an enhanced mood. More about Capsiplex.
Phen375 ™

This slimming tablet is the product of extensive clinical research and it is the legal and 100% safe alternative to the banned phentermine pills. Phen375 combines the properties of a powerful fat burner and an effective appetite suppressant. It is manufactured by the reputable American RDK Global and it guarantees a weight loss of about 26lbs in 6 weeks. More about Phen375.
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